Getting started with release 3.x

To get started with release 3.x of the ρ-VEX, follow the following steps.

  • Download the latest 3.x version of the ρ-VEX from the downloads page.
  • Get a copy of grlib-gpl-1.1.0-b4108.
  • Get a copy of Modelsim and make sure this is in your PATH.
  • Get a copy of Xilinx ISE 13.4. Make sure you have the right version, newer versions will not work. This should also be in your PATH.
  • Enable Git submodules
    • git submodule init
    • git submodule update
    • make sure you have the master branch of the cache use the command git checkout master

The end result should resemble this:

 +-- doc
 +-- grlib
 |  |  
 |  +-- grlib-gpl-1.1.0-b4108
 +-- rovex-vhdl
 |  |  
 |  +-- carpe-l1cache
 |  +-- core
 |  +-- dynamic
 |  +-- examples
 |  +-- platform
 |  +-- static
 +-- tools

Now you can continue creating the static (design-time configurable) or dynamic (runtime configurable) version of the ρ-VEX.